The Men's Ministry exists to help the men of Word of Life connect with other guys for fellowship, encouragement, accountability, and spiritual growth.
The Men's Ministry exists to help the men of Word of Life connect with other guys for fellowship, encouragement, accountability, and spiritual growth.
- Each month, the men from Word of Life gather together on the last Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm for dinner at the church. This is simply a time of camaraderie; a chance to decompress from the busyness of life and hang out with friends. We also call this the Acts Dinner. In the Book of Acts, it says that after Jesus' ascension into heaven, the disciples followed in his teachings, broke bread with each other, and ate together with "glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." (Acts 2: 42-47, NIV)
- Helping Hands ministry is for men who would like to assist others by providing their skills and energy to help other with small tasks, to complete simple DIY "fix-it" projects or to do various things for someone who needs a helping hand.
- Throughout the year, there may be other opportunities for Bible study and connection in a group with other men from the church. Contact the church office for more information.
- As part of the North Central District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, (Alliance or C&MA), our men have the opportunity to participate in a variety of events planned by the district. This includes the annual all-district Men's Retreat, which the men from Word of Life attend each year in February. This weekend retreat is held at Big Sandy Camp in McGregor, MN. For more information about Alliance Men and their ministry , click the following link.